Comsat nació a mediados de Marzo del 2008 y en pocos meses se han abierto un hueco importante entre los grupos de la escena independiente canaria. Dieron su primer concierto a finales de Abril y en Julio ya estaban ganando la IV edición del Ropavieja Music Festival, uno de los concursos de bandas más importantes que se celebran en Las Islas; todo un récord. Desde entonces no han hecho sino confirmar su meteórica progresión, actuando en un festival importante como el TatooFest de Tenerife, celebrado en octubre, en el que compartieron cartel con bandas como los londinenses Halagoogoo, los berlineses Moustache o los madrileños Sinners.
Comsat was born in mid-March 2008 and in a few months have opened a major gap between groups of the independent canarian scene. They gave their first concert in late April and July and were winning the fourth edition of Ropavieja Music Festival, one of the most important bands contest held at Canary Island. Since then they have only confirmed their meteoric progression, acting as a major festival TatooFest de Tenerife, in October, where they shared stage with bands like Halagoogoo Londoners, Berliners Moustache or Sinners Madrid.
Comsat was born in mid-March 2008 and in a few months have opened a major gap between groups of the independent canarian scene. They gave their first concert in late April and July and were winning the fourth edition of Ropavieja Music Festival, one of the most important bands contest held at Canary Island. Since then they have only confirmed their meteoric progression, acting as a major festival TatooFest de Tenerife, in October, where they shared stage with bands like Halagoogoo Londoners, Berliners Moustache or Sinners Madrid.
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